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Tinerii traducători şi interpreţi într-o Europă a post-comunicării

Hotel Universitas Str. Pandurilor nr. 7, Cluj-Napoca, România

Vă propunem ca în data de 16 octombrie 2015 să ne asociem spiritului şi tematicii Forumului „TRADUIRE L’EUROPE 2015” prin intermediul unei dezbateri pe care o dedicăm cetăţii universitare clujene, Capitala europeană a tineretului în 2015.

Translating Europe Forum

Centre Albert Borschette Rue Froissart 36, 1040, Brussels, Belgia

The 2015 Translating Europe Forum, to be held in Brussels, will enable young people to share ideas, projects, experiences and innovative approaches in translation-related fields.

tc world conference 2015

International Congress Center Messepiazza 1 70629, Stuttgart, Germania

The tekom annual conference together with the tcworld conference and tekom fair, is the largest global event and market-place for technical communication.

Nordic Translation Industry Forum

Grand Hotel Reykjavik SIGTÚN 38, Reykjavik, Islanda

One spectacular location, two inspirational keynotes, three days of networking opportunities and a lot of learning from multiple leading industry veterans as well as new-coming stars. Welcome to Grand Hotel Reykjavik and NTIF 2015!